The various field tests conducted at BLG have been successfully completed. The tests included sensory exoskeletons with a gamification app as well as the use and interaction with an autonomous mobile robot. Finally, the interaction of all systems as an integrated system was also tested. Initial findings showed that ergonomic working conditions can be improved through the use of these systems, the autonomous transport system was positively received in assembly, and feedback from employees confirmed that the smartphone app is easy to use.
It became apparent that gamification and ergonomic visualizations can raise awareness for ergonomically improved working methods. Moreover, it was found that the incentive platform strengthens social team dynamics. For instance, one employee reported that he saves the rewards in the app to redeem drinks for his colleagues at the end of the week. The automated material transport was particularly highlighted as a positive aspect. Heavy materials no longer have to be carried manually, which is a tremendous relief.
Despite the positive feedback, there were various suggestions for improvement: It was reported that wearing the exoskeleton makes it more difficult to drive forklifts. Additionally, it became clear that the environment needs to be partially adapted to the automated material transport. Due to the use of the autonomous mobile robot in hybrid areas, aisles and spaces were sometimes blocked or obstructed by parked vehicles. Therefore, appropriate training is necessary, and designated clear areas must be defined. Overall, the field tests yielded both very satisfactory results as well as interesting insights and potential for further optimization of the system.